Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Important Announcement
New version of Math Exercise Kid HD (M) is now available at App Store. Don't forget to get yours upgraded.
Hope you like it.
We uploaded the new version of Math Exercise Kid HD (M). It will be at store as soon as it gets proved.
Happy New Year!
We are glad to announce that we are starting to add word problems to our Math Exercise Kid HD (M).
It took us a lot of time, much longer than we assumed, since our software engineer took a job in a software firm. We will begin our project during the holiday season.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Free Math E. Kid for Limited Time ONLY!
We will set the price of two of our best sellers to ZERO dollars instead of giving out codes for over 24 hours on Sat. Nov. 19, 2011 (EST). They are “Math Exercise Kid” and “Math Exercise Kid HD (Addition & Subtraction)“
Here is the tutorial I made for Math Exercise Kid HD (Addition & Subtraction)
Friday, 11 November 2011
At the Open House! Nov. 19, 2011
Ice Whale will participate to an exciting event held by
Here is this event will take place smartappsforkids facebook
We ran out of promo codes; therefore, we will set the price of two of our best sellers to ZERO dollars instead of giving out codes for 24 hours. They are “Math Exercise Kid” and “Math Exercise Kid HD (Addition & Subtraction)“
Here is the tutorial I made for Math Exercise Kid HD (Addition & Subtraction)
In order to ensure the time frame that fits “the Open House!” event, we will adjust the price before and after the event.
As we mentioned, this is a great event; therefore, not only us, there will, of course, be a lot of developers offering their apps freely or giving out codes/discounts. We strongly encourage you to participate and take advantage of it.
Here again, we thank Ron ( who provides this great opportunity and wish everyone attends this event can have a tremendous day.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Math Exercise Kid HD (Addition & Subtraction) Tutorial
Special thanks to Musopen for providing music "Erik Satie - gymnopedies - la 1 ere. lent et douloureux," which is in the public domain.
It is the final cut of this video clip. I checked typos and other mistakes. Please comment on anything you want to say.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Upgrading Math Exercise Kid HD (M)
Oct. 13, 2011
Due to the difficulties we had encountered, we regret to inform you that Math Exercise Kids for iPhone/iPod are not on the list of upgrading. However, we will be upgrading iPhone/iPod apps after Math Exercise Kid HD (M).
There are some bugs fixing, and a new feature: Word Problems.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Math Exercise Kid HD (Addition & Subtraction)
Oct. 22, 2011
-Fix displays related to Unit Selection sections
Oct. 3, 2011
-Fix bugs related to "Carry/Borrow" field display in "Word Problems" and "Set up Equations" sections
Math Exercise Kid (Addition & Subtraction) has dynamic generated word problems to help students see quantities and understand relationships between numbers. Through Math Exercise Kid, students will learn how to solve math word problems and set up equations.
Math Exercise Kid HD (Addition & Subtraction) is an interactive math exercise application for students to practice additions and subtractions. Students can perform step-by-step addition and subtraction exercises, and show work by using the the carry and borrow field(s) with each exercise. Math Exercise Kid HD (Addition & Subtraction) provides mobility and flexibility for students to practice addition and subtraction exercises. Students can easily apply addition and subtraction skills learned through the Math Exercise Kid HD (Addition & Subtraction) to paper-based exercise in schools. Math Exercise Kid HD (Addition & Subtraction) is an iPad application with new features including Elite level which is the three numbers addition and subtraction practice, Exam Mode to test students addition and subtraction skills, and Progress Tracking system for parents, teachers, and tutors to track student's learning progresses.
-Add "Hint" option
-Add "Word Problem" section-Option to input student's name.
-Four different levels: Easy (one digit), Median (two digits), Advanced (three digits), Elite (three numbers addition and subtraction).
-Addition and subtraction exercise
-Carry and borrow fields to help students show work.
-Randomly generated numbers for variety.
-Option to choose number of questions in each exercise session.
-Summary of student's achievement in each exercise session.
-Option to turn on and turn off Exam Mode and set up exam time.
-Option to turn on and turn off sound effects.
-Progress Tracking system for parents, teachers, and tutors to track student's learning progresses.
Please do not feel hesitate to contact us for promo codes or questions.

Or join me @sp_wei (Twitter)
Thursday, 29 September 2011
New Background and Numeric Pad for Math Exercise Kid
One of my friends tweeted me some ideas. One of them is new user interface. We think this is much less time-consuming. We are going to add dark green background with patterns and Calculator Numeric Pad.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Educational Apps Promo Codes Give-a-way
Hello, elementary school educators, teachers and principles,
This is Ice Whale, an educational iPhone/iPad app development team. We are now offering “Math Exercise Kid” which is a series of interactive math exercise applications for children.
Please do not feel hesitate to contact us for promo codes or questions.

Or join me @sp_wei (Twitter)
This is Ice Whale, an educational iPhone/iPad app development team. We are now offering “Math Exercise Kid” which is a series of interactive math exercise applications for children.
We would like you to try our apps and give us feedback. We highly value all opinions from people who possess extensive teaching expertise and experience, and your feedback is going to be an asset for us to sharpen our apps. Therefore, we would like to learn more about our apps in a real teaching environment though your review.

Or join me @sp_wei (Twitter)
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Upgraded Math Exercise Kid HD (A&S)
Sept. 27, 2011
Promo Codes Give-a-way!
Join me @sp_wei for promo codes for free Math Exercise Kid HD (A&S)
Sept. 26, 2011
We are about to complete the upgrading and start uploading. It will be at App Store in 5 to 7 days hopefully.
We are now upgrading Math Exercise Kid HD (A&S). We will add the features such as Word Problems and Hint Options. We are Ice Whale, and we guarantee life-time upgrading.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Promo Codes Give-a-way!! Sept. 19, 2011
Math Exercise Kid (Division)
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Math Exercise Kid - Word Problem
My friend always complains about her kids getting bad grades, especially the math exam. I found that kids are quite good at numbers but not the relationship between numbers. Let's say John had 20 apples and he ate 3 of them. How many apples does he have now? We all know it is 20 subtract by 3 equals 17. But why we use subtraction? Kids always "Okay, there are two numbers. Let's try addition first!" They are focusing on the answer, not the method to process it. This may be the result of multiple-choice type questions. Now kids want to pick an answer instead of finding it.
Our goal is to install all word problems to our Math Exercise Kid(s). And we really want your support.
Our goal is to install all word problems to our Math Exercise Kid(s). And we really want your support.
Something to think about - the Mathematics
I always found a new subject amazing, but it could also be completely unfamiliar. Although I had a degree in business administration, I could not know the meaning of net income meant at my first accounting class years ago. I mentioned here about "my first accounting class" and the word "net income" which is a business jargon, even though the basic ideas of financial accounting are providing information for people who possess minimal business literacy (Fortunately, I found out net income meant the figure of all revenues deducted by all expenses later in class). It is, not always but usually, true people react to jargon in totally opposite ways - either you know it well or you do not know it at all. Jargon means something very specific and known by a group of people. Since it was my first accounting class, I did not even have a clue.
Actually, jargon seems like a foreign language in a foreign land, in other words, we do not understand if we are not from there. In this case, accounting is like a foreign language and the business environment is like a group which use this foreign language. If we are not among this group, we do not know what is it or how it is done. This is probably true if someone who received no business training cannot calculate Earnings Per Share (EPS). Nevertheless, the underline principle is simple. EPS figure is calculated "simply" by dividing net income earned by the total number of shares outstanding. It means that if the net income is 10 million dollars and there are 5 million shares outstanding, EPS is calculated by 10 million dollars divided by 5 million shares.
Here you probably think "Jargon" is a bad guy. Well, it is not. In many working environment or academic fields, "Jargon" is needed to get rid of unnecessary time consuming and misunderstandings. It is effective and efficient.
It comes to my believe that everyone who had a mathematical training understands this, let's say 10 divided 5 means that we put 10 burgers into 5 bags and each bag has a equal number. Every one can easy calculate EPS once s/he understand EPS and how to do it. It seems to me that break the barrier of jargon is the way to a new subject, including math. Instead of giving jargon and formula, tell kids about the relationship between numbers. Instead of selecting the right answer, try to do the math step-by-step and show process. Have fun with members intead of have fun with grades.
I am not an educator, even though I have always wanted to be one. However, I know most kids are discouraged by the feeling of the fear of something unfamiliar. They can do math problems talking about dinosaurs, but not ROI (Return on Investment) because ROI (Return on Investment) is not unfamiliar to them. The fear of something unfamiliar is the natural of mankind. If all our ancestors had no fear of something unfamiliar, they could have touched cobra's head and gotten killed. I believe this is our responsibility that kids know the underline principle of math and do not worried about jargon. It will eventually come.
Actually, jargon seems like a foreign language in a foreign land, in other words, we do not understand if we are not from there. In this case, accounting is like a foreign language and the business environment is like a group which use this foreign language. If we are not among this group, we do not know what is it or how it is done. This is probably true if someone who received no business training cannot calculate Earnings Per Share (EPS). Nevertheless, the underline principle is simple. EPS figure is calculated "simply" by dividing net income earned by the total number of shares outstanding. It means that if the net income is 10 million dollars and there are 5 million shares outstanding, EPS is calculated by 10 million dollars divided by 5 million shares.
Here you probably think "Jargon" is a bad guy. Well, it is not. In many working environment or academic fields, "Jargon" is needed to get rid of unnecessary time consuming and misunderstandings. It is effective and efficient.
It comes to my believe that everyone who had a mathematical training understands this, let's say 10 divided 5 means that we put 10 burgers into 5 bags and each bag has a equal number. Every one can easy calculate EPS once s/he understand EPS and how to do it. It seems to me that break the barrier of jargon is the way to a new subject, including math. Instead of giving jargon and formula, tell kids about the relationship between numbers. Instead of selecting the right answer, try to do the math step-by-step and show process. Have fun with members intead of have fun with grades.
I am not an educator, even though I have always wanted to be one. However, I know most kids are discouraged by the feeling of the fear of something unfamiliar. They can do math problems talking about dinosaurs, but not ROI (Return on Investment) because ROI (Return on Investment) is not unfamiliar to them. The fear of something unfamiliar is the natural of mankind. If all our ancestors had no fear of something unfamiliar, they could have touched cobra's head and gotten killed. I believe this is our responsibility that kids know the underline principle of math and do not worried about jargon. It will eventually come.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
ジオザッパー (日本語無料版)
確かに10枚だけで使いにくいかもしれませんが、それだけのアップデートはあまりしたくありません。ですから、ジオザッパー (日本語無料版)をリリースすることになりました。写真30枚まで使えることになりました。今はアップルのレビューを待っていますため、ジオザッパー (英語デモ版)はしばらくダウンロードできません。
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Promo Codes Give-a-way!!
Hi, we are Ice Whale.
We are now currently updating our apps and we have some promo codes left.
It is free for you and please leave a note indicates which code has been taken.
It is a great opportunity for us to learn from the users.
Please also leave a comment about how you (or your kids) feel about the apps.
Thank you.
Sept. 8, 2011
Math Exercise Kid (Multiplication)
Math Exercise Kid HD (Multiplication)
Math Exercise Kid
Math Exercise Kid (Multiplication)
Math Exercise Kid (Division)
We are now currently updating our apps and we have some promo codes left.
It is free for you and please leave a note indicates which code has been taken.
It is a great opportunity for us to learn from the users.
Please also leave a comment about how you (or your kids) feel about the apps.
Thank you.
Sept. 8, 2011
Math Exercise Kid (Multiplication)
Math Exercise Kid HD (Multiplication)
Math Exercise Kid
Math Exercise Kid (Multiplication)
Math Exercise Kid (Division)
If you have "Math Exercise Kid" issues and questions please send e-mail to
Ice Whale
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Math Exercise Kid HD (Division)
September 10, 2011
Math Exercise Kid has dynamic generated word problems to help students see quantities and understand relationships between numbers. Through Math Exercise Kid, students will learn how to solve math word problems and set up equations.
Math Exercise Kid (Division) is an interactive math exercise application for students to practice divisions. Students can perform step-by-step division exercises, and show work by using the column filed(s) with each exercise. Math Exercise Kid (Division) provides mobility and flexibility for students to practice division exercises. Students can easily apply division skills learned through the Math Exercise Kid to paper-based exercise in schools.
Math Exercise Kid HD (Division) is an iPad application with NEW features including 1) word problem section to help students develop their word problem solving abilities, 2) the Hint option in the practice mode, 3) the Exam Mode to test students multiplication skills, and the 4) Progress Tracking system for parents, teachers, and tutors to track student's learning progresses.
-Six different levels for non-word problem exercises: dividend (up to three digits) and divisor (up to three digits)
-Four different levels for word problems: Easy, Medium, Advanced and Elite (Numbers in Elite level are represented as English words; for example, 125 = one hundred twenty-five)
-Columns to help students show work
-Randomly generated numbers and word problems for variety
-Option to choose number of exercises in each practice/exam/word problem session
-Option to turn on and turn off sound effects.
-Summary of student’s achievement in each exercise session
-Option to turn on and turn off Exam Mode and set up exam time
-Hint option to pin-point exactly where is incorrect
-Progress Tracking system for parents, teachers, and tutors to track student's learning progresses
-Option to turn on and turn off word problem section
-Option to turn on and turn off the set up equation feature in the word problem section.
September 3, 2011
We just finishing uploading our latest release Math Exercise Kid (Division) HD.
It is going to reshape your mind about teaching Mathematics. Its user interface makes it easy to use while the mathematics problems are highly challenging. Different levels of exercises are provided for students at different ages. It can be kids' learning toy for long time.
It is going to be at App Store in 7 days, hopefully.
Join us at twitter @sp_wei for promotions including promo codes giveaway. And please do not forget. We are Ice Whale. We guaranteed free upgrading.
If you have "Math Exercise Kid" issues and questions please send e-mail to
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Math Exercise Kid HD (Multiplication)
Math Exercise Kid HD (Multiplication) is an interactive math exercise application for students to practice multiplications. Students can perform step-by-step multiplication exercises, and show work by using the column filed(s) with each exercise. Math Exercise Kid HD (Multiplication) provides mobility and flexibility for students to practice multiplication exercises. Students can easily apply multiplication skills learned through the Math Exercise Kid HD (Multiplication) to paper-based exercise in schools. Math Exercise Kid HD (Multiplication) is an iPad application with new features including the Hint option for practice mode, the Exam Mode to test students multiplication skills, and the Progress Tracking system for parents, teachers, and tutors to track student's learning progresses.
-Option to input student's name.
-Nine different levels: multiplicand (up to three digits) and multiplier (up to three digits)
-Columns to help students show work
-Randomly generated numbers for variety
-Option to choose number of exercises in each practice/exam session
-Option to turn on and turn off sound effects
-Hint option to pin-point exactly where is incorrect
-Summary of student's achievement in each exercise session
-Option to turn on and turn off Exam Mode and set up exam time.
-Progress Tracking system for parents, teachers, and tutors to track student's learning progresses.
*** New Features on Math Exercise Kid HD (Multiplication) ***
*** Option to input student's name ***
*** Progress Tracking system to track student's learning progresses ***
*** Option to turn on and turn off Exam Mode and set up exam time ***
*** Option to input student's name ***
*** Progress Tracking system to track student's learning progresses ***
*** Option to turn on and turn off Exam Mode and set up exam time ***
***** Hint option to pin-point exactly where is incorrect *****
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Math Exercise Kid (Division)
This special promotion has ended at 5:00 PM (Eastern Daylight Time) 5th of August, 2011.
Apple has selected our latest iPhone release "Math Exercise Kid (Division)" as “New & noteworthy” for iPhone education apps on Apple's iTunes Canada.
Math Exercise Kid (Division) is an interactive math exercise application for students to practice divisions. Students can perform step-by-step division exercises, and show work by using the column filed(s) with each exercise. Math Exercise Kid (Division) provides mobility and flexibility for students to practice division exercises. Students can easily apply division skills learned through the Math Exercise Kid to paper-based exercise in schools.
-Six different levels: dividend (up to three digits) and divisor (up to three digits)
-Columns to help students show work
-Randomly generated numbers for variety
-Option to choose number of questions in each exercise session
-Option to turn on and turn off sound effects
-Summary of student’s achievement in each exercise session
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Math Kid Free (Multiplication)
Math Kid Free (Multiplication) is an interactive math exercise application for students to practice multiplications. Students can perform step-by-step multiplication exercises, and show work by using the column filed(s) with each exercise. Math Kid Free (Multiplication) provides mobility and flexibility for students to practice multiplication exercises. Students can easily apply multiplication skills learned through the Math Kid Free (Multiplication) to paper-based exercise in schools. Note: Math Kid Free (Multiplication) allows students to practice multiplication exercise (1 digit x 1 digit, 1 digit x 2 digits, and 2 digits x 1 digit) for 3 days.
-Three different levels: 1 digit x 1 digit, 1 digit x 2 digits, and 2 digits x 1 digit
-Columns to help students show work
-Randomly generated numbers for variety
-Option to choose number of exercises in each exercise session
-Option to turn on and turn off sound effects
-Summary of student's achievement in each exercise session
If you have "Math Kid Free (Multiplication)" issues and questions please send e-mail to
Ice Whale
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Math Exercise Kid (Multiplication)
Math Exercise Kid (Multiplication) is an interactive math exercise application for students to practice multiplications. Students can perform step-by-step multiplication exercises, and show work by using the column filed(s) with each exercise. Math Exercise Kid (Multiplication) provides mobility and flexibility for students to practice multiplication exercises. Students can easily apply multiplication skills learned through the Math Exercise Kid (Multiplication) to paper-based exercise in schools.
-Nine different levels: multiplicand (up to three digits) and multiplier (up to three digits)
-Columns to help students show work
-Randomly generated numbers for variety
-Option to choose number of exercises in each exercise session
-Option to turn on and turn off sound effects
-Summary of student's achievement in each exercise session
If you have "Math Exercise Kid (Multiplication)" issues and questions please send e-mail to
Ice Whale
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